Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Journal of Counseling & Development

The Journal of Counseling &  Development published a study on how transgender youth deal with the daily discrimination. The focus of this study is to get a better understanding of how counselors and other can support transgender youth. The study consisted of 19 transgender identifiers between the ages of 15-25. The study was mostly constructed of just a series of questions during an interview. after interviewing all 19 participants they collaborated in identifying five supporting factors; the ability to self-define and theorize one’s gender, proactive agency and access to supportive educational systems, connection to a trans-affirming community, reframing of mental health challenges, and navigation of relationships with family and friends.  They also were able to identify six threats which include experiences of adultism, health care access challenges, emotional and
social isolation, employment discrimination, limited access to financial resources, and gender policing.
Transgender people for the most part probably feel lost and confused. there are not many people  that they feel like they can go to that would understand what they are going through. the harassment and discrimination on top of all the confusion and loneliness can be very dangerous. This study was constructed to help find out how to support people struggling with this sort of transition. It can be very hard for people when they feel like they have no escape. Transgender people face challenges at work, school, and even at home. With minimal knowledge of what it is like to be faced with such a emotional and internal rollercoaster we need to find ways to support and not discriminate.    


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